Tuesday, 10 July 2012

My Second Day At Work

Because Gary was at the shop today, we all had a staff meeting, where we told each other a bit about ourselves, and explained where we would like to be in 5 years. It made me realise that i didn't actually know what i want to do as a job when i'm older, and made me start to think.
We then was all taught how to answer the phone professionally, and what to say in certain situations.
Then i was delegated the job of helping Charlie, who is the technician, so i went upstairs and sorted out lenses. I had to put them in boxes depending on whether the patient was long or short sighted, and also the strength of the lens. After that, i thought that i would help Kobby and Lydia out with decorating the cards envelopes, because Good Looking Optics sends colorful cards to all customers. 
Here are some of the envelopes that we decorated.
Whilst i was decorating envelopes, the extension phone upstairs rung many times, and i was asked to bring down patients personal files.

After lunch, i used a website called 'BoomSMS' to text customers telling them that their glasses are ready for collection. Whilst i was doing this the phone rang and i used what i had been taught earlier, to book a customers appointment to have their eyes tested using a program on the computer.
We was then sent to promote the business, by posting leaflets to houses.
When i got back, i found out that my glasses were ready, i was very happy with them and i got a glasses case aswell. 
Then, there was a bit of a crisis. Someones glasses had been confused with someone elses, and had been put in the wrong tray; we all helped to fix the problem, and it got sorted out. This was important because it showed me what happens when things go wrong, and i hope nothing else like that happens.
Later on in the day, i also took customers details before their eye test, and help them choose a frame after.
I really enjoyed my second day on work experience, and can't wait to go in tomorrow.

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